- R. Rodrigues, L. Lévêque, J. Gutiérrez, H. Jebbari, M. Outtas, L. Zhang, A. Chetouani, S. Al-Juboori, M. Martini, A. Pinheiro. “Objective quality assessment of medical images and videos: Review and challenges”. Multimedia Tools and Applications; accepted.
- A. Marie, K. Desnos, A. Mercat, L. Morin, J. Vanne, L. Zhang. “Advanced Fine-Tuning Procedures to Enhance DNN Robustness in Visual Coding for Machines”. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing; Septembre 2024.
- Z. Zhang, S. Tian, W. Zou, L. Morin, L. Zhang. “EDDMF: An Efficient Deep Discrepancy Measuring Framework For Full-Reference Light Field Image Quality Assessment”. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing; November 2023.
- Z. Zhang, S. Tian, Y. Zhang, W. Zou, L. Morin, L. Zhang. “Blind Perceptual Quality Assessment of LFI Based on Angular-Spatial Effect Modeling”. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, September 2023.
- S. Tian, T. Zeng, W. Zou, X. Li, L. Zhang. “DHIQA: Quality assessment of dehazed images based on attentive multi-scale feature fusion and rank learning”. Displays, August 2023.
- Z. Zhang, S. Tian, W. Zou, L. Morin, L. Zhang. “PVBLiF: A Pseudo Video-Based Blind Quality Assessment Metric for Light Field Image”. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, May 2023.
- N. Hobloss, L. Zhang, S. Lathuilière, M. Cagnazzo, A. Fiandrotti. “Hybrid dual stream blender for wide baseline view synthesis”. Signal Processing: Image Communication; September 2021; 97:116366.
- S. Tian, M. Zheng, W. Zou, X. Li, L. Zhang. “Dynamic Crosswalk Scene Understanding for the Visually Impaired”. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering; July 2021; 29: 1478-1486.
- L. Lévêque, M. Outtas, H. Liu, L. Zhang. “Comparative study of the methodologies used for subjective medical image quality assessment”. Physics in Medicine and Biology; July 2021; 66(15), 15TR02.
- W. Zou, Z. Zhang, Y. Peng, C. Xiang, S. Tian, L. Zhang. “SC-RPN: A Strong Correlation Learning Framework for Region Proposal”. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing; April 2021.
- C. Bai, H.Li, J. Zhang, L. Huang, L. Zhang. “Unsupervised Adversarial Instance-level Image Retrieval”. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia; March 2021.
- W. Zou, D. Wu, S. Tian, C. Xiang, X. Li, L. Zhang. “End-to-end 6DoF Pose Estimation from Monocular RGB Images”. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics; February 2021.
- Y. Li, Q. Wang, L. Zhang, G. Lafruit. “A Lightweight Depth Estimation Network for Wide-baseline Light Fields”. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing; January 2021.
- S. Tian, L. Zhang, W. Zou, X. Li, T. Su, L. Morin, O. Deforges. “Quality Assessment of DIBR-synthesized views: An Overview”. Neurocomputing; January 2021.
- Z. Wu, R. Ge, G. Shi, L. Zhang, Y. Chen, L. Luo, Y. Cao, H. Yu. “MD-NDNet: multi-dimension convolutional neural network for false positive reduction in pulmonary nodule detection”. Physics in Medicine and Biology; December 2020.
- A. F. Perrin, L. Zhang, O. Le Meur. “Inferring Visual Biases in UAV Videos from Eye Movements”. Drones; July 2020.
- F. Chao, L. Zhang, W. Hammidouche, O. Deforges. “A Multi-FoV Viewport-based Visual Fixation Model Using Adaptive Weighting Losses for 360° Images”. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia; June 2020.
- Q. Wang, L. Zhang, Y. Li, K. Kpalma. “Overview of deep-learning based methods for salient object detection in videos”. Pattern Recognition; March 2020.
- A. F. Perrin, V. Krassanakis, L. Zhang, V. Ricordel, M. P. Da Silva, O. Le Meur. “EyeTrackUAV2 : a Large-Scale Binocular Eye-Tracking Dataset for UAV Videos”. Drones; January 2020.
- Y. Gu, H. Tang, T. Lv, Y. Chen, Z. Wang, L. Zhang, et al. “Discriminative feature representation for Noisy image quality assessment”. Multimedia Tools and Applications; January 2020.
- Q. Wang, L. Zhang, K. Kpalma, W. Zou. “Salient video object detection using a virtual border and guided filter”. Pattern Recognition; Volume 97, January 2020, 106998.
- H. Zhu, D. Tong, L. Zhang, et al. “Temporally Downsampled Cerebral CT Perfusion Image Restoration Using Deep Residual Learning”. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery; October 2019; 1-9.
- Y. Gao, Y. Song, X. Yin, W. Wu, L. Zhang, Y. Chen, W. Shi, “Deep learning-based digital subtraction angiography image generation”. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery; July 2019; 1-10.
- L. Zhang, I. Saidi, S. Tian, V. Barriac, O. Déforges, “Overview of full-reference video quality metrics and their performance evaluations for videoconferencing application”. Journal of Electronic Imaging; March 2019; 28(2), 023001.
- T. Wang, L. Zhang, H. Jia. “An effective general-purpose NR-IQA model using natural scene statistics (NSS) of the luminance relative order”. Signal Processing: Image Communication; February 2019; 71:100-109.
- W. Zou, Z. Zhuang, S. Jiao, L. Zhang, K. Kpalma. “Image Steganography Based on Digital Holography and Saliency Map”. Optical Engineering; January 2019; 58(1), 013102.
- H. Jia, L. Zhang, T. Wang. “Contrast and visual saliency similarity-induced index for assessing image quality”. IEEE Access; October 2018; 6:65885-65893.
- S. Tian, L. Zhang, L. Morin, O. Deforges. “A benchmark of DIBR Synthesized View Quality Assessment Metrics on a new database for Immersive Media Applications”. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia; October 2018. (Database download link:
- C. Xiang, L. Zhang, Y. Tang, W. Zou, C. Xu. “MS-CapsNet: A Novel Multi-Scale Capsule Network”. IEEE Signal Processing Letters; October 2018; 25(12):1850-1854.
- M. Outtas, L. Zhang, O. Deforges, A. Serir, W. Hammidouche, Y. Chen. “Subjective and Objective Evaluations of feature selected Multi Output Filter for Speckle reduction on Ultrasound Images”. Physics in Medicine and Biology; August 2018; 63(18):185014.
- S. Tian, L. Zhang, L. Morin, O. Deforges. “NIQSV+: A No Reference Synthesized View Quality Assessment Metric”. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing; December 2017; 27(4):1652-1664. (Code:
- Y. Chen, L. Zhang, W. Yuan, et al. “Extended PCJO for the detection-localization of hypersignals and hyposignals in CT images”. IEEE Access; June 2017; 5(99):24239-24248.
- T. Wang, L. Zhang, H. Jia, et al. “Multiscale contrast similarity deviation: an effective and efficient index for perceptual image quality assessment”. Signal Processing: Image Communication; April 2016; 45:1-9.
- T. Wang, L. Zhang, H. Jia, Y. Kong, B. Li, H. Shu. “Image quality assessment based on perceptual grouping”. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition); March 2016; 32(1):29-34.
- L. Zhang, C. Cavaro-Ménard, P. Le Callet. “An overview of model observers.” Innovation and Research in BioMedical engineering (IRBM); June 2014; 35(4):214-224.
- D. GE, L. Zhang, C. Cavaro-Ménard, P. Le Callet. “Numerical Stability issues on Channelized Hotelling Observer under different background assumptions.” Journal of the Optical Society of America A (JOSA A); April 2014; 31(5):1112-1117.
- L. Zhang, B. Goossens, C. Cavaro-Ménard, P. Le Callet, D. GE. “Channelized model observer for the detection and estimation of signals with unknown amplitude, orientation, and size.” Journal of the Optical Society of America A (JOSA A); November 2013; 30(11):2422-32.
- L. Zhang, C. Cavaro-Ménard, P. Le Callet, J. Tanguy. “A Perceptually relevant Channelized Joint Observer (PCJO) for the detection-localization of parametric signals.” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging; October 2012; 31(10):1875-1888.
International Conferences
- J. Maraval, N. Ramin, L. Zhang. “Advancements in radiance field techniques for volumetric video generation: a technical overview”. International Broadcasting Convention (IBC), September 2024, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- B. Wei, J. Maraval, M. Outtas, K. Kpalma, N. Ramin, L. Zhang. “Spacetime Gaussian Grouping for 4D object segmentation”. European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP) , September 2024, Geneva, Switzerland.
- M. Outtas, L. Zhang, M. Martini. “Towards Recommendations and Guidelines for Subjective Medical Image and Video Quality Assessment”. European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP) , September 2024, Geneva, Switzerland.
- L. Xia, M. Outtas, L. Zhang, E. Frampas, O. Déforges. “Adenoma discrimination by 3-Slices Washout Calculation on CT scans”. European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP) , September 2024, Geneva, Switzerland.
- J. Maraval, D. Pesce, Y. Gayral, B. Wei, M. Outtas, N. Ramin, L. Zhang. “A Dual Rig Approach for Multi-View Video and Spatialized Audio Capture in Medical Training”. International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), June 2024, Karlshamn, Sweden.
- A. Kherchouche, F. Galpin, T. Dumas, Daniel Menard, L. Zhang. “RD-cost regression speed up technique for VVC intra block partitioning”. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), April 2024, Seoul, Korea.
- A. Marie, K. Desnos, C. Fu, J. Zhou, L. Morin, L. Zhang. “Towards Machine Perception Aware Image Quality Assessment”. IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), September 2023, Poitiers, France.
- L. Xia, M. Outtas, L. Zhang, E. Frampas, O. Déforges. “Deep Learning Models for Low Dose CT Simulation”. European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP), September 2023, Gjovik, Norway.
- N. Hobloss, J. Maraval, J. Fournier, N. Ramin, L. Zhang. “MUSE: A Multi-view Synthesis Enhancer”. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), September 2023, Helsinki, Finland.
- Z. Zhang, S. Tian, W. Zou, Y. Zhang, L. Morin, L. Zhang. “Blind quality assessment of light field image based on spatio-angular structural variation”. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), October 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- T. Zeng, L. Zhang, W. Zou, X. Li, S. Tian. “TRG-DQA: texture residual-guided dehazed image quality assessment”. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), October 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Q. Wang, M. Outtas, J. Fournier, E. Etchamendy, M. Chérel, L. Zhang. “Predicting personalized saliency map for people with autism spectrum disorder”. International Conference on Content-based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), September 2023, Orleans, France.
- J. Fournier, E. Etchamendy, M. Chérel, M. Outtas, L. Zhang. “The impact of the affinity on ASD people visual engagement”. International Conference on Content-based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), September 2023, Orleans, France.
- J. Maraval, N. Ramin, L. Zhang. “K3BO: Keypoint-based bounding box optimization for radiance field reconstruction from multi-view images”. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEw), July 2023, Brisbane, Australia.
- A. Marie, K. Desnos, L. Morin, L. Zhang. “Evaluation of Image Quality Assessment Metrics for Semantic Segmentation in a Machine-to-Machine Communication Scenario”. International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), June 2023, Ghent, Belgium.
- L. Xia, H. Jebbari, O. Deforges, L. Zhang, L. Lévêque, M. Outtas. “Denoised CT Images Quality Assessment Through COVID-19 Pneumonia Detection Task”. International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), June 2023, Ghent, Belgium.
- K. H, C. Fu, C. Pham, L. Zhang, J. Zhou. “Temporal Down-sampling based Video Coding with Frame-Recurrent Enhancement”. Data Compression Conference (DCC), March 2023, Snowbird, USA.
- Z. Zhang, S. Tian, W. Zou, L. Morin, L. Zhang. “DeeBlif: deep blind light field image quality assessment by extracting angular and spatial information”. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), October 2022, Bordeaux, France.
- J. Chen, L. Zhang, Q. Wang, C. Bai, K. Kpalma. “Intra-modal constraint loss for image-text retrieval”. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), October 2022, Bordeaux, France.
- A. Marie, K. Desnos, L. Morin, L. Zhang. “Video Coding for Machines: Large-Scale Evaluation of Deep Neural Networks Robustness to Compression Artifacts for Semantic Segmentation”. IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), September 2022, Shanghai, China.
- J. Fournier, M. Outtas, Q. Wang, E. Etchamendy, Myriam Cherel, L. Zhang. “Does personal interests affect attention? – An eye-tracking study”. European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP), September 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.
- A. Marie, K. Desnos, L. Morin, L. Zhang. “Expert Training: Enhancing AI Resilience to Image Coding Artifacts”. Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems XX Conference, at IS&T Electronic Imaging, January 2022.
- M. Ho, L. Zhang, A. Raake, J. Zhou. “Semantic-driven Colorization”. European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP), December 2021.
- Y. Zhang, G. Chen, Q. Chen, Y. Sun, Y. Xia, O. Deforges, W. Hamidouche, L. Zhang. “Learning Synergistic Attention for Light Field Salient Object Detection”. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), November 2021.
- N. Hobloss, L. Zhang, M. Cagnazzo. “A Multi-View Stereoscopic Video Database With Green Screen (MTF) For Video Transition Quality-of-Experience Assessment”. International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), June 2021. (Best Student paper Award)
- T. Ladune, P. Philippe, W. Hamidouche, L. Zhang, O. Deforges. “Conditional Coding and Variable Bitrate for Practical Learned Video Coding”. CLIC workshop, IEEE/CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR), June 2021.
- T. Ladune, P. Philippe, W. Hamidouche, L. Zhang, O. Deforges. “Conditional Coding for Flexible Learned Video Compression”. Neural Compression Workshop, International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), May 2021.
- F. Chao, C. Ozcinar, L. Zhang, W. Hamidouche, O. Déforges, A. Smolic. “Towards Audio-Visual Saliency Prediction for Omnidirectional Video with Spatial Audio”. IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), December 2020.
- T. Ladune, P. Philippe, W. Hamidouche, L. Zhang, O. Deforges. “Optical Flow and Mode Selection for Learning-based Video Coding”. IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Septembre 2020, Tampere, Finland. (Best paper Award)
- T. Ladune, P. Philippe, W. Hamidouche, L. Zhang, O. Deforges. “ModeNet: Mode Selection Network for Learned Video Coding”. IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), Septembre 2020, Espoo, Finland.
- Y. Zhang, L. Zhang, W. Hammidouche, O. Deforges. “A fixation-based 360° benchmark dataset for salient object detection”. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE), October 2020.
- F. Chao, C. Ozcinar, C. Wang, E. Zerman, L. Zhang, W. Hamidouche, O. Déforges, A. Smolic. “Audio-visual perception of omnidirectional video for virtual reality applications”. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEw), July 2020, London, UK.
- Q. Wang, L. Zhang, K. Kpalma. “A semantics-guided warping for semi-supervised video object instance segmentation”. International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR), June 2020, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal.
- Y. Li, L. Zhang, Q. Wang, G. Lafruit. “MANet: Multi-scale aggregated network for light field depth estimation”. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2020, Barcelona, Spain.
- T. Ladune, P. Philippe, W. Hamidouche, L. Zhang, O. Deforges. “Binary probability model for learning based image compression”. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2020, Barcelona, Spain.
- Invited paper: J. Chen, L. Zhang, C. Bai, K. Kpalma. “Review of Recent Deep Learning Methods for Image-Text Retrieval”. IEEE 3rd International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR), April 2020, Shenzhen, China.
- Y. Zhang, L. Zhang, W. Hammidouche, O. Deforges. “Key Issues for the Construction of Salient Object Datasets with Large-Scale Annotation”. IEEE 3rd International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR), April 2020, Shenzhen, China.
- A. F. Perrin, L. Zhang, O. Le Meur. “How well current saliency prediction models perform on UAVs videos?”. Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP), September 2019, Salerno, Italy.
- I. Saidi, L. Zhang, O. Deforges, V. Barriac. “Laboratory and crowdsourcing studies of lip sync effect on the audio-video quality assessment for videoconferencing application”. ICIP, September 2019, Taipei, Taiwan.
- S. Tian, L. Zhang, L. Morin, O. Deforges. “SC-IQA: Shift compensation based image quality assessment for DIBR-synthesized views”. IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), December 2018, Taichung, Taiwan. (Code:
- F. Chao, L. Zhang, W. Hammidouche, O. Deforges. “SalGAN360: Visual Saliency Prediction on 360 Degree Images with Generative Adversarial Networks”. ICME2018, July 2018, San Diego, California, USA. (Code: (1st prize of Grand Challenge “Prediction of Head+Eye Saliency for 360 Images”)
- S. Tian, L. Zhang, L. Morin, O. Deforges. “Performance comparison of objective metrics on free-viewpoint videos with different depth coding algorithms”. SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, August 2018, San Diego, California, USA.
- I. Saidi, L. Zhang, O. Deforges, V. Barriac. “Machine learning approach for global no-reference video quality model generation”. SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, August 2018, San Diego, California, USA.
- M. Bichon, J. Le Tanou, M. Ropert, W. Hammidouche, L. Morin, L. Zhang. “Low Complexity Joint RDO of Prediction Units Couples for HEVC Intra Coding”. Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), June 2018, San Francisco, California, USA.
- M. Outtas, L. Zhang, O. Deforges, W. Hammidouche, A. Serir. “Evaluation of No-reference quality metrics for Ultrasound liver images”. QoMEX, May 29 – 31, 2018, Sardinia, Italy.
- L. Lévêque, H. Liu, S. barakovic, J.B. Husic, A. Kumcu, L. Platisa, M. Martini, R. Rodrigues, A. Pinheiro, M. Outtas, L. ZHANG, A. Skodras. “On the Subjective Assessment of the Perceived Quality of Medical Images and Videos”. QoMEX, May 29 – 31, 2018, Sardinia, Italy.
- M. Bichon, J. Le Tanou, M. Ropert, W. Hammidouche, L. Morin, L. Zhang. “Low Complexity Joint RDO of Prediction Units Couples for HEVC Intra Coding”. ICASSP, April 2018, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
- S. Tian, L. Zhang, L. Morin, O. Deforges. “A full-reference Image Quality Assessment metric for 3D Synthesized Views”. Image Quality and System Performance Conference, at IS&T Electronic Imaging 2018, 28 January – 1 February 2018, Burlingame, California, USA. (Code:
- M. Outtas, L. Zhang, O. Deforges, A. Serir, W. Hammidouche. “Multi-output speckle reduction filter for ultrasound medical images based on multiplicative multiresolution decomposition”. ICIP, September 2017, Beijing, China.
- Q. Wang, L. Zhang, K. Kpalma. “Fast filtering-based temporal saliency detection using minimum barrier distance”. ICME2017W, July 2017, Hong Kong, China.
- T. Xu, L. Zhang, Y. Chen, H. Shu, L. Luo. “Quality Assessment Based on PCJO for Low-dose CT Images”. International Conference on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Fully3D), June 2017, Xi’an, China.
- I. Saidi, L. Zhang, O. Deforges, V. Barriac. “Evaluation of single-artifact based video quality metrics in video communication context”. QoMEX, May 31 – June 2, 2017, Erfurt, Germany.
- M. Bichon, J. Le Tanou, M. Ropert, W. Hammidouche, L. Morin, L. Zhang. “Inter-block dependencies consideration for intra coding in H.264/AVC and HEVC standards”. ICASSP, March 2017, New Orleans, USA.
- S. Tian, L. Zhang, L. Morin, O. Deforges. “NIQSV: A No Reference Image Quality Assessment Metric for 3D Synthesized Views”. ICASSP, March 2017, New Orleans, USA. (Code:
- M. Outtas, L. Zhang, O. Deforges, W. Hammidouche, A. Serir, C. Cavaro-Ménard. “A study on the usability of opinion-unaware no-reference natural image quality metrics in the context of medical images”. 8th International Symposium on signal, Image, Video and Communications, November 2016, Tunis, Tunisia.
- I. Saidi, L. Zhang, V. Barriac, O. Deforges. “Audiovisual quality study for videotelephony on IP networks”. IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), September 2016, Montreal, Canada.
- I. Saidi, L. Zhang, O. Deforges, V. Barriac. “Evaluation of the performance of ITU-T G.1070 model for packet loss and desynchronization impairments”. QoMEX, June 2016, Lisbon, Portugal.
- I. Saidi, L. Zhang, O. Deforges, V. Barriac. “Interactive vs. non-interactive subjective evaluation of IP network impairments on audiovisual quality in videoconferencing context”. QoMEX, June 2016, Lisbon, Portugal.
- L. Zhang, C. Cavaro-Ménard, P. Le Callet, D. GE. “A multi-slice model observer for medical image quality assessment”. ICASSP, April 2015, Brisbane, Australia.
- T. Wang, H. Shu, H. Jia, B. Li, L. Zhang. “Blind Image Quality Assessment Using Natural Scene Statistics in the Gradient Domain”. Asia Modelling Symposium, September 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- C. Cavaro-Ménard, L. Zhang, P. Le Callet. “QoE for Telemedicine: Challenges and Trends.” SPIE Optics + Photonics, August 2013, San Diego, USA.
- L. Zhang, C. Cavaro-Ménard, P. Le Callet. “Evaluation of HVS models in the application of medical image quality assessment.” IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, January 2012, California, USA.
- L. Zhang, C. Cavaro-Ménard, P. Le Callet. “Key issues and specificities for the objective medical image quality assessment.” VPQM, January 2012, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.
- L. Zhang, C. Cavaro-Ménard, P. Le Callet. “Using AUC to study perceptual difference model suitability for the detection task on MR image.” MIPS XIV Conference, August 2011, Dublin, Ireland. (Student scholar award)
- L. Zhang, C. Cavaro-Ménard, P. Le Callet. “The effects of anatomical information and observer expertise on abnormality detection task.” Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, volume 7966, February 2011, San Diego, USA.
- C. Cavaro-Ménard, L. Zhang, P. Le Callet. “Diagnostic quality assessment of medical images : Challenges and trends.” 2nd European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP), July 2010, Paris, France.
French Conferences
- I. Saidi, L. Zhang, O. Deforges, V. Barriac. “Evaluation de la qualité audiovisuelle des applications de visiophonie”. CORESA, May 2016, Nancy, France.
- M. Outtas, A. Serir, O. Deforges, L. Zhang. “Réduction de bruit multiplicatif dans les images ultrasons basées sur la décomposition multiplicative multiresolution (MMD)”. CORESA, May 2016, Nancy, France.
- M. Schmidt, C. Cavaro-Ménard, L. Zhang, J. Tanguy, Le Callet. “Evaluation par observateur numérique basé tâche de la qualité d’IRM compressées”. CORESA, May 2016, Nancy, France.
- L. Zhang, C. Cavaro-Ménard, P. Le Callet. “Pertinence des modèles du SVH pour la sensation et la perception des images médicales.” Gretsi, September 2013, Brest, France.
- L. Zhang, C. Cavaro-Ménard, P. Le Callet. “Modèle numérique pour l’évaluation objective de la qualité d’images médicales 2D.” Gretsi, September 2013, Brest, France.
PhD thesis
- L. Zhang. “Numerical observers for the objective quality assessment of medical images.” November 2012.
HDR report
- L. Zhang. “Image Quality Assessment and Saliency Detection: human visual perception modeling and applications.” February 2020.
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